From South Africa to Canada…here is our story!

Our story

I was born and raised in South Africa. My mom was born in Canada, I received citizenship from birth, so as soon as I was finished studying I booked my flight to Canada to come and visit our family this side. A few months before, Tyson and I had started chatting on E-Harmony. We met in person when I visited Calgary, Alberta and you can say ‘the rest is history’. We married 3 months later and got pregnant right away. We wanted to be parents and God blessed us with this gift. We now have four beautiful blessings. Thank you Lord!

Tyson is one of the hardest workers I know. He is my blue-collar guy who can do anything he sets his mind to. Because of his work ethic, I have been blessed to be a stay-at-home-mom from the get-go. What a blessing this has been! I always wanted to be a homemaker, and now I get to everyday. Taking care of our home, cooking healthy meals for our family, cleaning, organizing, decorating…these are all things I am so passionate about!

A number of years ago we started diving into the world of homesteading from our backyard. We were hooked! When we had our first season of vegetable gardening, we were blown away by the amount our small garden produced. We canned some of our harvest, which was a world I was so excited to jump in to. Shortly after we begun growing our own produce, we got day-old chicks and jumped into being chicken owners, with more to come this year. Owning chickens has been the best experience for us. There is nothing better than farm fresh eggs everyday!

I pray that my Website, YouTube and Instagram provide you with encouragement as a mother, homemaker and homesteader. I pray you learn, grow and get excited about all you’re able to do in your home and on your property for your family!

Robyn xox

“This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I may make to God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God’s way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness.”

  • Elisabeth Elliot